
Welcome to Les Paras Françaises, a new site dealing with French paratroop forces from 1940 - 1960.

Frustrated by a lack of information in English about these troops I am attempting to create a site that will give both the curious and serious student of the history of French airborne troops satisfaction.

The site will cover my main interest areas of Les Paras - namely WW2, the Indochina War and the conflict in Algeria. Each period will have 3 sections - uniforms (including equipment), insignia and weapons.

The items will be displayed and photographed on mannequins (or my friends - whichever gives me less grief!) and whilst I will try to use orginal items there will be some instances where I will have to use top quality reproductions to make up for gaps in my collection. Where this is necessary it will be highlighted in the text.

If there are errors - and I am sure there will be - they are mine alone. Please email me with a correction and I will make the change.

Should anyone actually visit the site and they have photos of items they think may interest other lost souls please send a description and a jpg of the item and I will place it on the site.